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Found file: freebird\\:ret03_@conspiracyforgood

From: Claire Finnigan
To: Argyle North
Subject: RE: RE: You've Got Mail

Okay, I kept talking to this guy, and after wiring him some funds, he delivered the goods. I don't know how trustworthy he is, a total black-hat, and full of himself but what do you expect. He offered to sell me some kind of email hacking software but I dunno. Also I want KC or TKAT to look at this before I call it legit but it looks about right, and it should confirm everything. I'd leak it, but I don't want to draw any undue attention ahead of any action you want to take.

Our man is called David, he's a local. Send your runners, I have the dates for May and everything.

And Thomas is fine, let me know if he gives you any more grief over this Marcus character. We should get together and eat whenever you're back in town.

Love, Claire

ret Emails: 7E06B1 / 63D412 / FD5E6E / 8CD2D6
bur Emails: 9F3B51
aim_thegreenmarine84: 45535F
nor Emails: 5B93BF (+2 attachments)

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