Knave communication

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Communication with Knave of Spades

First Contact

arabella says we'll be best frands forever

Date: 24 May
From: Knave of Spades
To: SamuelofR247

Friar Tilton!
We're friends? How thrilling! I like friends.
A friar even perhaps, how very curious; on whom do you depend for your charity my /b/rother? Myself, well, charity would bend truth beyond acceptable limits, let's face it: it's fucking robbery what they do to me.
You have worked so hard to get some attention, and yes; I expect you want to hear this: you do stick out: hi, my attention, you can has, etc.
Care to read a favourite passage of mine?
"zkj'p opkl bkn wjukja sa'na lhwopey xqp sa opehh dwra bqj"
Italian ancestry, so it totally counts.
I am so bored right now.
Did you want to play a game?

The code is ROT4 and translates to a Lady Gaga quote from "Papparazi":

don't stop for anyone we're plastic but we still have fun
Re: arabella says we'll be best frands forever

From: SamuelofR247
To: Knave of Spades

I'm just going gaga over What fun this is! You wouldn't believe how boring it is being me. Can you believe that "arabella" _alled my email a spam, how dare him what was she thinkin when it wrote that? Arabella just doesn't realize we're friends!
To you my _riend, FriarTilton's charity comes from only one thing...
"4 : to enter or become established in _radually or unobtrusively usually for subversive purposes"
What a good friend you are, play a game indeed!
Pop a ROT-C 2 e z!
Re:Re: arabella says we'll be best frands forever

From: Knave of Spades
To: SamuelofR247

Sir (madam? frair indicates one thing, but kids through the ages, eh?),
Whoa, tell me more. No really, tell me more. I lo♠g to hear your treatise on, well, everythin♠. It is bound to be so very interesting what with your surreptitious ways and gracious patience. I don't be♠ieve we will have a second of boredom together you and I.
Will we?
There are a lot of th♠ngs Arabella does not rea♠ise, but let us be genero♠s and not hold that against her; she has a lot on her plate. Why she could feed all the dogs in England if she only put her mind to it. Alas, charity isn't her ...thing. Even these scraps, stolen.
Myself, yes, I am an excellent friend, you are absolutely right.
I don't even care that you upset everyone, that's how good a friend I am.
Re:Re:Re: arabella says we'll be best frands forever

From: SamuelofR247
To: Knave of Spades

Friend, You know how fun this is? 2 FUN! But what's most unfortunate is that you're only the Knave though. Now that is a shame : (
1 archaic a : a boy servant b : a male servant c : a man of humble birth or position
2 : a tricky deceitful fellow
3 : jack 6a (a playing card carrying the figure of a soldier or servant!)
All three of these don't strike me as not appropriate for you friend but it seems for one who truly desires to become an friartilton the real fun doesn't start until you're no longer 1 & 3, would you not agree? And I only want for us to have more fun than anybody, even more than those who provide your charity...
[L] May I [t] espouse [r] an opinion [#]? 20-8-5 15-14-12-25 20-18-21-5 ACE 19-5-5-14 19-15 6-1-18 @ BB 9-19 19-9-18 9-2.
So where does that put u?
We both very much like games right?
If you like games, try playing these ones:

First code is


in simple Letter Number -inspired by Shizzire

Second code is


in keyed vigenere -credit Shizzire

Re:Re:Re: arabella says we'll be best frands forever

From: Knave of Spades
To: SamuelofR247

A friar who turn up their nose at humility? Why, I never. I am of course pleased that you have a dictionary at hand, you can look up hypocrite.

Quoth the Raven, count them backwards:


So smoke 'em if you got them, a whole pack of lies.

You do strike me as someone opinionated, though of course opinions doth not knowledge make. I must express my ever so sincere
doubts that you know anything about 9-2, 1-18-1-2-5-12-12-1, or any of the players here involved. You don't even know 13-5,
and 9'13 your 6-18-9-5-14-4. Supposedly. I don't know.


Sweetheart, I just don't understand. Am I supposed to be intimidated? I mean me, personally? The last time I looked you were
scattering like roaches at daybreak. Rats, sinking ship, etc. Do you need more similes? I could do something on card houses.


First code is





credit: SamuelofR247 and Shizzire

"9-2, 1-18-1-2-5-12-12-1, or any of the players here involved. You don't even know 13-5, and 9'13 your 6-18-9-5-14-4." In letter number is

IB, ARABELLA, or any of the players here involved. You don't even know ME, and I'M your FRIEND

Such Concern

such concern

From: Knave of Spades
To: SamuelofR247

Dear /b/rother,

It has been way more than 24 hours now, I'm worried; are you feeling well? :)

Myself, I feel that I may have been unfair to you. This, let's be honest, could be because that was my intent all along; but now I feel the vaguest tinges of regret. They are very vague though, I think I shall be able to repress them.

Here, if you are still able, why don't you throw those exact words back at me:
ymbgjxgvmrhqxlmwm essmmpwfxekchslguijxncf (myself and this parenthetical aside excused, of course)

The code is vigenere with "MyselfIfeelthatImayhavebeenunfairtoyouThisletsbehonestcouldbebecausethatwasmyintentallalongbutnowIfeelthevaguesttingesofregre" as passphrase:

am curious you got friends left? lol
when you are done posturing why dont you tell me what you want
Re: such concern

From: SamuelofR247
To: Knave of Spades

Hidden Text (white letters) are in bold

Dearest Jack?!, I am you, you are me, toiling in obscutiy, I thought of this just for you friend! I'd ask if we're still Good fRiends but I dON't have to nowS.... you've contacted me preemptively. What cfg a 77472 treat!

P sore dvcy sptosez, cnny jpfn mn zsplpny. Yokhnns zfxgign cutps yfnmvgu, aum zoepy tfmlnxz ayn iyoaptj. Rkcy hau zgpm cv yooyn. Ekrm oufsnz jye lfost zpswld cu nnqvb chnpx mezcxfccpuu, aum O kszfxn yvf, bvuyz gpls iuslva yfic.

So I'll take a step 4-word in this message. First off, making sure I stand up straight and keeping close company don't seem to problems I have lololol!!! Knave is asking THE FriarTilton if he has friends? HA! Why, I have you! So you've answered your question several times over... once again I lolol!!! (You give me so many reasons to lol and !!!!)
[ .. / .... .- ...- . / .--. .-.. . -. - -.-- / --- ..-. / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. ... --..-- / .-- . / --. .- - .... . .-. / - --- --. . - .... . .-. / - --- / -.. .. ... -.-. ..- ... ... / - .... . / -.. . -- .. ... . / --- ..-. / -... -... / . ...- . .-. -.-- / -. .. --. .... - / .. -. / .- / -.-. .... .- - / .-. --- --- -- / --- -. / .. .-. -.-. .-.-.- ..-. .-. . . -. --- -.. . .-.-.- -. . - / .-.-.- / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- .----. -.. / .-.. .. -.- . / - --- / .--- --- .. -. / ..- ... / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / .-- . .-.. -.-. --- -- . .-.-.- ]

But seriously, Give yourself more credit than this friend. I may know only one or two things about SIr IB and Arabella, but they're the most important things ever, 'cause they're important to YOU! 20-8-5-25 18-5 20-8-5 5-14-5-13-25 20-8-5-25 8-15-12-4 25-15-21-18 12-5-1-19-8 25-15-21 18-5 14-15-20 13-5-1-14-20 20-15 2-5 1 19-5-18-22-1-14-20 19-5-18-22-1-14-20 10-1-3-11 6-18-9-5-14-4-19 12-9-11-5 21-19 1-18-5 14-15-20 13-5-1-14-20 20-15 2-5 3-15-18-15-16-15-18-1-20-5 16-1-23-14-19 1-14-4 25-15-21 6-21-3-11-9-14-7 11-14-15-23 9-20

But I digress...

Right back atcha:
)?(8 :‡?¶8 ;578* 5 163?(8 78: ;‡ ‡?( 9‡¶898*;
]45; :‡? -‡*)6†8( ‡?( "$?88* ‡1 485(;)" 2?; 6;)
?*1‡(;?*5;8 1‡( 22 ‡?( †8-7 †‡8) *‡; (80: ‡* 78: 163?(8) 0‡0
]8 3(‡] );(‡*38( ]6;4 8¶8(: ‡118*)8 2: ;4‡)8 ]4‡ 28;(5: ‡?( ]‡(0†. ;48: 8¶8* 28;(5: :‡?!

We WILL be friends for ever I assure you....
1st Code

The code Gronsfeld Cipher (Alphabet key: cfg, Cipher key: 77472 –Full credit to Shizzire

I like your similes, they give me smilies. Roaches survive until sundown, and their numbers are growing. Rats can swim to shore. Card houses are built simply to enjoy their destruction, and I assure you, yours will follow suit.
2nd Code

Morse Code –Credity fully to Azure

3rd Code

Simple Number Letter code –Credit Shizzire

4th code

Goldbug Cipher


Re:Re: such concern

From: Knave of Spades
To: SamuelofR247

Hahahaha, ah.


Was that good for you?

Love the appeal to my better nature. Love it. So much. (Pie, so good.) You know, some people would say there are certain benefits to being a nihilistic douchewad. That there is such freedom in not giving a shit; if you don't use it your conscience will be forever clean. And ...they're right! How about that.
Still, I'm glad you have some modicum of appreciation for my hard work. After all, I slave away here all day for my cruel uncaring masters. I can worry about the my tiny trust being betraid in my own time, but thanks for your concern. Toiling in obscurity is the prerogative of genius.
Yes, I noticed, very clever! Congratulations on your ~*collaborative and dynamic*~ structure, hero. Where did your latest, greatest joker go? Asia?

xstjzs sbx lrhc qyce ukg pcig
nqh zy gffqgkr
lm ulugljzqb
ukv v bsm wcol dxijfggxa
ote jx xbqd wugvx mkce lll prbv
jlrxik uezy
ong hjhtf tmzvp
gbu lbgg bgld ugv tbu ubrm
ahj w hley umezu

C1AHec7sfZ8 :)
1st Code


2nd Code


leads to a youtube video of Frank Simatra singing "I've got you under my skin".

Re:Re:Re: such concern

From: SamuelofR247
To: Knave of Spades
date: May 31


Calm greetings Friend, obviously you're just a pawn to your masters; I was expectinG so much more from a friend of your intellect.

The Knave of Spades: The Friends

Twas apon a winter morn,
That I found my heart had torn,
The blood that flowed from my face.
By some whim of mortal grace,
A stillborn child cried from the grave,
And acted as if it twere knave.

- . .-.. .-.. ..- ... - .... . -.-. --- -.. .
(TELL US THE CODE –In morse)

This was in the act of dieing
Said it to me as I where crying
Why knave, do you look so glum,
At least thou hast corporeal thumbs,

. .- .-. -. --- ..- .-. - .-. ..- ... -

Again I ask why dost thou weep,
At least no moss from thy skull dost creep.
Poor knave thou art filled with sorrow,
And yet you get to see tommorow.

hBl aOe srnFwBl
(“Hidden” in white font – Intentionally unbreakable ciphertext)

Knave, Knave why dost thou act,
As if ye signed a black arts pact.
I know now knave that you feel lost,
And that your laughter was the cost.

wnerul p! baoltsdYio e
(“Hidden” in white font – Intentionally unbreakable ciphertext)

Knave you placed your faith in friends,
And they hath let thee down in the end.
And always knave your friends would talk
Away from them should you walk.
Knavish knave they hath betrayed,
Treated thee and made thee dismayed.
You knave who sinks here in despair,
With the bloodless drip in your hair.

Att bqh ymsuemiqxG
(“Hidden” in white font – Intentionally unbreakable ciphertext)

And knave now would you run,
From this, myself, the pallid one.
A child that thou did not see die,
And now is dead reaped from the rye
(“Hidden” in white font – Intentionally unbreakable ciphertext)

So was said by the knave child,
As he left to graves weather mild.
Now how woeful my heart did beat,
My soul, the knave, one hardy feat,
Left itself to a colde bed,
And in hades it was dead.

-The FriarTilton
Re:Re:Re:Re: such concern

From: Knave of Spades
To: SamuelofR247
Date: June 1

Chesterton's little brother,

Before I apologize for my grave missteps, perhaps you would like to enlighten me as to the recent traffic to this inbox?

I gather you have either gone through the trouble of creating further personas just to make me regret contacting you in the first place (which is cute, but crazy; and who needs schizophrenics) or you're sharing the entirety of our communications with your enterprising little woodland friends.

Now I understand (believe me I really do) a generalised sort of disregard for integrity mister Florin, I do. I have no ...delusions of privacy, but. It's getting to be a little tedious.

Just, you know, fyi.

Lovely little poem though, appreciate you pandering to my theatrics. Makes me feel special!

Also I'm sorry, but while you're vastly entertaining (especially when compared to some), you just don't make an extremely convincing case for, shall we say, your side. What would I even do with your trust. You're kind of a lousy contingency plan.

but you know


I'm kind of busy here. What with being a pawn and all.

Did I tell you they know where your lil leading lady is now? Oh right, you don't need her! Gosh, now I feel silly for bringing it up.

Valet de Pique: I think we have some business to discuss.

Valet de Pique: I think we have some business to discuss.

From: Valet DeCouer
To: <Knave>
Date: May 30, 2010

Why, hello there Sir Knave.

I've been eager to speak with thee...
if not for my own joy than rather our own current calamity.
From past writings yes, you are quite correct.
We've misplaced our crème... our own derelict
of it's own doing, for that it's quite sure.
what comes next although... we may procure
a certain kinship, yes, that may be
from outside the bounds of our own certainty.
You may call me valet.. yet Valet de Couer
Here is a game you're up for.. I'm quite sure
It begins not with a word, no, that would be crude
rather a number of Your own certitude.
Ace of spades yes? I found it odd
you'd place your own faith in one quite lost
you see... the ace is a rogue... a man on the run
a card who longs to be far from the fun
yet it's quite apparent that we finally see
you couldn't leave it alone. Not even for thee.
So it's with sympathy that I leave you to finally be...
lost.. and alone..... with your own fear to breed.

♥Would you like to play a game?♥♥♥♥
RE: Valet de Pique: I think we have some business to discuss.

From: <Knave>
To: Valet DeCouer
Date: May 31, 2010

My! This is the strangest piece of spam I have had all day.

tl;dr, poet. Here I made you an abridged version; "wank wank wank, cry some more".

Oh, and get out of my shtick, yo, this is unseemly. In fact; there can be only one. I'm going to think of you as MacLeod now. Of the clan MacLeod. sup Connor. u srs, d00d?

Re: RE: Valet de Pique: I think we have some business to discuss.

From: Valet DeCouer
To: [Knave]
Date: May 31

Tssk tssk.

If anyone could appreciate a good rhyme, I would have thought the infallible Spade could. How disappointing. Although♥pride goeth♥they say.

Honestly, I find myself a bit put off by this grandstanding of yours. Courtesy does have it's uses, especially for those who find themselves lacking frands. What would you do should no one care if the almighty omega was only a fairy tale? Say... a bust. Too much of a good thing.


A joke is a very serious thing.

RE: Valet de Pique: I think we have some business to discuss.

From: <Knave>
To: Valet DeCouer
Date: June 1

oh man, you're not some sort of creeper, are you? do i need an adult?

A Different Game.

A Different Game.

From: SamuelofR247
To: Knave
Date: June 1


Let's play a different game shall we? It's one I like to call; Game Over! We know who you are, cut the crap, you're in way over your head. Didn't your betters teach you not to play with fire? Because they won't protect you once they know you're messing with their precious company. Come clean with me now, or I'll pull the rug out from under your spoiled little world. By the way, do you still have any email hacking software to sell?

-The Infiltrator
Re: A Different Game.

From: Knave
To: SamuelofR247
Date: June 1

oh my god. the only winning move is not to play!!


I don't know who or indeed what (wolves?) raised you, but over here in humanville we have ways of doing things that don't primarily focus on browbeating people! (That's not actually true is it haha.) Anyway, I'm gonna go right ahead and call your bluff there, I hope you don't mind too much. Also: WHAT BETTERS, ha-ha-ha.

What if I do?

p.s bait and switch is totally my gig, get out.
Re: Re: A Different Game.

From: SamuelofR247
To: Knave
Date: June 1


I'm giving you something, now it's your turn, I want PB's safety. I want your squad called off and her safe passage guaranteed....friend.

-The Infiltrator
Re: Re: Re: A Different Game.

From: Knave of Spades <
To: Friar Tilton
Date: June 2

Man, that's intense!!

What is this, is this like, your evo-form? What? Your FRIAR is evolving! Your FRIAR evolved into SAINT! Give your SAINT a new name?

SAINT used EMPTY THREAT! It doesn't affect SPADES!

I can't decide if I liked you better when you were crazy or not.

Anyway, I can't give you that. Because I don't know magic. I enjoy that you think I'm a magical creature though! I mean how else did you figure that? "Huh, this stunningly handsome and literate guy who simply must have leaked that scary scary video (I MEAN WHO ELSE COULD HAVE PULLED IT OFF??) must obviously also have unlimited power (adept of the dark side amirite) over whatever mercenary agendas The Company may have! Of course! It's brilliant!! what could go wrong"

aside from everything.

hello. what do you think you're playing at.

Do you think I'm scared of you?

Are you one of those all eggs in one basket type guys? Well, at least you don't hedge your bets, right?

Why don't you talk to CYNGS, they seem to be the clever one in your outfit.

Seriously though ...
... I figured I liked my ass enough to look into this whole thing and it seems to me that
- Some lady called Pegbox talks about ~*finding*~ something on a more or less disreputable portal site.
- Some 15y.o. punkass calling themselves KC shares a file on the interwebs.
- Some dude(?) using the moniker AzureWolf777 uploads it to yt.
- Hell, she breaks loose.

I ask you sir:

Where is my crime?!

Oh, and if I really did help you that one time, what kind of payback is this supposed to be, is this where mercy gets you?


Care to Play a Game of Strip Poker?

Care to Play a Game of Strip Poker?

From: Deucy
To: Knave
Date: June 2


Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill laughed to see such sport (or did she push him in the first place?)

I have a game for us to play, Black Pete. A prize for you because I like to share the wealth.

For you:

Pick a Card, Any Card (Because, I don't wear t-shirts):



p.s. :8 );4‡)85(89:( . )( . )6*-5)8:‡?]8(8]‡*†8(6*3

p.s.s as you can see, i play games a little differently than the friar
Re: Care to Play a Game of Strip Poker?

From: Knave
To: Deucy
Date: June 2


o mai

You're going to make me blush.

Or at least, you're going to make me smile: Smile

Hi, you're cyngs?
You're really clever, aren't you. That's a nice thing to be! I'm clever too.

So you are friends with the friar?

Annnd, sorry I don't seem to have a picture for you at the moment.

Did Jack just miss an Opportunity to Play a Game?

Did Jack just miss an Opportunity to Play a Game?

From: Deucy
To: Knave
Date: June 2

Aw is Jack a (camera) shy boy? Er, you don't have anything to be ashamed of in that department, I hope? 485(; ) 5(8 2(‡78*

Nah, it's okay that you play your cards close to the chest (so do I as you can see)

But I think you are conVusing my game with "show me yours, i've shown you mine".

Maybe you just don't get subtlety. Dane, don't make me beg: Pick a card from the top of the deck:


[2] What did you get? Don't tell me, put it back in the deck. You'll never know where I t might turn up. 5) 61 :‡? -‡?0† 16*† 98

as clever as ever,


p.s. as far as me being friends with the friar: do preachy celibate blokes seem to be MY type?? 6 ;46*7 :‡? 7*‡] ]4‡ 6) 9‡(8 9: 3598

p.s.s. it's your play

p.s.s. i'd say "nothing up my sleeve"...only...I'm not wearing any Very Happy
Re: Did Jack just miss an Opportunity to Play a Game?

From: Knave
To: Deucy
Date: June 3

Yes, isn't that ironic!

I don't believe in shame, personally. Frankly, it doesn't nearly seem like you do either. Smile

Mind if I break more of your rules, sweetheart? You've got a nice pair of hearts though, I'll say that for you.

So we're playing hearts!

Guess I'll draw another one th- well damn look at that:


Seems I lose. What were we playing for again? Smile


RE: U2lyIHJhbmc

From: Azure Wolf
To: Knave
Date: June 2

Alright, I attempted to email this to your interestingly it's defunct. What is googlemail more secure? *snicker*

I don't care who you are,

You're screwed. CFG has been annhilated, and the remaining members are in mortal danger. I know, you don't care about anything but yourself, blah blah. But we're trying to save their butts and we need some freaking help. I've watched you run around with my friends but I'm not going to play your games, because this isn't a freaking game!

Help me out, give me the email hacking software so I can follow BB as they track the CFG members so we can stay one step ahead and save their lives or find some other way to seriously contribute to their survival.

At the very least, I will get you fired for leaking the video. Ms. Arabella seems to have a thing for me, and a whole hell of a lot of attitude. At the worst, you could face charges for Conspiracy to Commit Murder (Or whatever they call that in the UK). Which reminds me, where is David by the way? Since you sold him out he hasn't shown up anywhere, did BB erase him too?

Is your conscience feeling anything yet jackass?


P.S. "I get it, you've got code, okay." I used Base64 because it's simple, but odd enough to get mistaken for gibberish. I find no reason to complicate things with codes and silly riddles. Occam's Razor.

From: Knave of Spades
To: Azure Wolf
Date: June 3


hush, well. the account's been abandoned, and they idle out after a while if left inactive. GOOGLE well it let's me have dorky themes and there's nothing very secure about either anyway so what the hell right. check it:

Anyway ...

You're taking me all serious! I can get behind that. Look, I understand your personal resentments. sry2say, but it's extremely likely I'll be just fine as far as you guys are concerned.

AND ABOUT that David character, hey, look before you jump. you could say I was looking out for the dude. Assuming you people aren't seriously the bad child stealers they're gonna paint you to be. .....assuming further that you are with that derpy little network. I mean! It seems like you are. Tiny trust.

The CFG can't possibly be annihilated if you're there, can they. You. Whichever. (It's so uncertain!)

ANYWAY II: Return of the BTW:
i'll look into that. maybe i can do you one better.

Really? I was under the impression that's how you talk to each other. Some of it's really clever too.

From: Azure
To: Knave
Date: June 5?

Mind if I offer some observatioins?

1. You responded to my attempt to elicit an emotional response/connection with a level head so this means one of two things to me. (I'm leaning towards option 2)
- You have knowledge leading you to believe that no or little harm will come to pegbox and crew.
- You're a sociopath. (or a teenager)
2. You are extremely confident, more so than me, and I know for a fact you and BB can't touch me. Conclusions:
- You are in a position of such power/authority that your ego is warranted (this is unlikely as you show little concern for responsibilities, something that goes hand in hand with power and authority)
- You suffer from NPD (or are a teenager, odd that this came up again)

"Assuming you people aren't seriously the bad child stealers they're gonna paint you to be."

Are you implying bad children were stolen? (Or any children at all for that matter.) Or are you saying this is a normal tactic of the Jackals, a way of covering their tracks?

"assuming further that you are with that derpy little network. I mean! It seems like you are."

I'm beginning to wonder that myself. There is no one left that has been with the group longer than 3 weeks. So can you technically say it even still exists? What is it now besides a bunch of ideals? It was obviously quite a bit more than that before.

"The CFG can't possibly be annihilated if you're there, can they."

It depends on how you look at it doesn't it?

"i'll look into that. maybe i can do you one better."

So you DO want to be friends?

"Really? I was under the impression that's how you talk to each other. "

Not me.

"Any fool can make something complicated. It takes a genius to make it simple."
— Woody Guthrie

"Some of it's really clever too."

I find subtlety clever, hitting someone over the head with a brick of code isn't "clever" in my book. At best it's a means to an end.

P.S. Can you settle a bet for me? (I'll split my winnings with you if I'm right) Did you or did you not sell the video to Claire?

P.P.S A friend requested that I explicitly ask you if you know where Pegbox, or any of the others in hiding are. Oh and if you do, can you give me a hint at least? (I've already asked for a lot so I don't want to seem ungrateful.)


From Knave
To Azure Wolf
Date: June 5

By all means! Though I feel I must remind you;

Sir, this is the internet. On the internet it sometimes happen (it's more likely than you think!) that people lie. Sometimes they use words they don't understand (or words that have no meaning to them). Some people even invent entire personas just to get along! It's a bright new morning here in cybera, and we haven't ably expressed our emotional responses since 1995.

Of course I could be all of these things you mention, or more. I could none of them (or less?). At the end of the day though, whatever you think suits me just fine.


I'm implying that stealing children is a bad thing. As far as I know, no one has been participially pilfered as such just now, but I'm not privy to everything (sad but true). Well, what do you think? Don't you think they'll throw everything they can at you? Haven't they before? Capital THEY even maybe I don't know.

What is this anyway, Q&A? Can I ask some questions back?

Who even are you? I'm going to be frightfully embarrassed if it turns out you've been The Man all along.

Who are your friends? I mean. I'm not asking for names here.


No. I did not.
No, not at the moment. But I know she's not in the UK.

From: Azure Wolf
To: Knave
Date: June ?

Lying, in no way explains your lack of concern.

> What is this anyway, Q&A? Can I ask some questions back?

So you're actually going to play along now?

> Who even are you?

My online alias is Azure Wolf. ******* I also discovered a web site touting an ideal of helping everyone everywhere by changing the world in our own backyards. On this web site myself and a few acquaintances (I'll get to them later) discovered some "secret" goings on, and found that these people, CFG if you will, we're doing more than local good deeds. They were attempting to take down a corporation that has gone way beyond it's authority. Of course you know this company as Blackwell Briggs. The actions of BB are way out of line, likely even more so than I know. Something seriously wrong is going on in Zambia with their Pipeline project (You don't know what that is either do you? Or maybe you do but will entertain yourself with unclear, circular answers?). Now the former leaders of CFG are missing and we'd very much like to know why.

> I'm going to be frightfully embarrassed if it turns out you've been The Man all along.

I am A man, not The man.

> Who are your friends?

Those who fight evil (yes it does exist, in the most vile of forms) and wish to do good in the world are my friends. If you mean acquaintances: Cyngs, Phyxius, Shizzire you've all spoken to. There is also AgentLex and Grindboy who reside in the UK, then there is SamuelofR247, B-mot, DayOfTheZen, JCHillerup, and Rinflame. All, as far as I know, in the same boat I described above. Acquaintances with a common cause, does that make us friends?

> No. I did not.

Heh so you did get hacked by KC then. No wonder you're jealous of Bieber.

> No, not at the moment. But I know she's not in the UK.

Do you know where ANY of the former leaders are? Specifically, Argyle North, Greenmarine, Vauxhall, Kestrel, Baleen, TKAT, and the infamous KC?

Well thanks for finally giving me some straight answers, glad to see you are capable of being direct. BTW how's that favor coming? I'd be glad to do something to earn it, just name your task.

From Knave
To Azure Wolf
Date: June 7

That's ...really beside the point, but whatever.

I know there is a pipeline project in Zambia, but there are projects everywhere. Multinational, etc. I haven't got any specifics, but not everything that happens there is bad, you know. Should I look into this for you? Would that annoy anyone? Will there be cake? I just don't know.

Oh I have, have I, okay, which one is Phyxius? Common causes make excellent friends! If temporary. (You shouldn't trust all of these people you mention, I'm just saying. Of course you shouldn't trust me so that's kind of pickle isn't it, maybe I should just be quiet.)

> Heh so you did get hacked by KC then. No wonder you're jealous of Bieber.

I can neither conform nor den- eh, to hell with it: he's probably brilliant but whatever; he forgot the first rule of anything: don't get caught doing it. (Bieber? What's with the name calling? Look I'm supposed to be the ~*villain*~ of this little show I thought.)

Getting any confirmation out of anything here is harddd. No one wants to talk about this! Bright ideas are going around here about changing everything from communication policies to security protocols. I do wonder who exactly will be stuck working on this, I do. But enough about me, I guess some of them have been arrested, and I guess some of them disappeared of the radar. I heard someone got killed, but I don't know. (And I certainly hope not, tyvm.)

Give me a few days, mkay.

Oh and this is for you:


From Knave
To Azure Wolf
Date: June 17


left you hanging there for a bit didn't i. sorry. There are a number of people I would like to blame but I'm better than that, so I won't. go team me.

plus I feel awkward talking to you.

I did get you some things though didn't i. I do hope so anyway. Aha.

Of course you shouldn't trust me so that's kind of pickle isn't it, maybe I should just be quiet....Look I'm supposed to be the ~*villain*~ of this little show I thought.

You're not the villain, not really. (Did you falsely accuse others of human trafficking? Are you attempting to be Big Brother? Are you walking around with military authority but not a member of the military or any legal government?). But I can keep pretending you are if it will help assuage your ego.

Hee hee. My ego needs all the help it can get, trust me.
Let me answer all of your questions! No. Haha. Hahaha, I wish-not-really-but-kind-of-no. I'm not authoritarian material shall we say.

Eh I have no experience with that. Mind clarifying what those even are? Communication policies? Security protocols?

yes kind of. but whatever.
The Company has rules for everything (archaic rules) for who says what to who and why. basically. it's not very interesting.

I guess some of them have been arrested, and I guess some of them disappeared of the radar. I heard someone got killed, but I don't know. (And I certainly hope not, tyvm.)

I've heard similar news. Any idea which ones got arrested? Maybe you can intercept an email or two...?

I looked into this for you especially, and I got some indications but that's the best i can do. There's Claire Finnigan (27!) aka Vauxh Vauxhall (I guess she grew up there?), and she's just up and gone. No credit cards, no showing up at work, no logging in to her wow account (which gotta hurt) for the longest time.
then there is her bf, Thomas Burnett (30) i think you know him as Baleen. Anyway, he very helpfully has a History, so he'll be a different kind of gone for a while I think.
you'd think Justin Beiber is too tiny a fish to bother with but he's kind of been a thorn in the side of certain people for like a year so he's not gonna be on the internet for some time I think.
Tkat is fine though but she's likely to just stay out of this and take care of her kids cause she's got priorities and i can respect that.
greenmarine84 disappeared all the way to NZ

I'm really sorry, but I think your fellow mister North is dead.
I feel kind of bad about that, so, y'know:

Give me a few days, mkay.

No problem. I just hope no one else dies in a few days... (Honestly, I'm fairly certain you wouldn't stall just to stall, so do what you have to do)

you're so generous. i bet you're a great father.
it's taken me kind of a while to find a reliable thing to work through for this (NO ONE TRUSTS ME WHAT IS UP WITH THAT) but then I was like "hey, if they can do it, then so can I."
You'll find what you're looking for where you found that other thing. probably by tomorrow. but fair promises, etc.

Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner

Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner

From: cyngs
To: Knave of Spades
Date: June 15

you don't write, you don't call, you don't send flowers (nag, nag, nag)

Don't make me pine for your crumbs of witty utterances, they are of the little amusements I have.

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick...(please, and remember to: [4])

or you know where you can shove that candle stick of yours. Razz
RE: Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner

From: Knave of Spades
To: cyngs
Date: June 15


Where ever would I even send the flowers?

send me diamonds instead

From: cyngs
To: Knave of Spades
Date: June 15

what, so cold, Jack!

really after 6 days and 4 emails later, that is the best you can do? (but whose counting)

my, i really have lost my touch (and in more ways than one), what a pity....c'est la vie

my final card to you sir, i hope you don't mind -- it's french

censored for the kiddies:


which was linked to (my address has been removed:


you must turn the card over to see the title, it rather amuzes, (the last laugh is all yours)



From: Friar Tilton
To: Knave of Spades
Date: June 17


What's your take on this good friend?


Would you like to take credit here, 'cause there sure isn't much due lol !!!!!!!

-The Friar
Re: Frand!

From: Knave of Spades <digyourown_googlemail>
To: Friar Tilton <friartilton_ymail>
Date June 18

Take credit for what precisely, my venerable vexed vitalist?

I'm built like a Thompson's gazelle, and could nary harm a fly.

donation for fine charity Games for St. Ludic

donation for fine charity Games for St. Ludic

From: Knave of Spades
To: Friar Tilton
Date: June 19

[8] My mendicant minister,

How do you feel about alliteration? Well, I like it so it's staying along with my needless pandering to your anagram.

I thought I should leave something in your beggar's bowl. It has been standing here for so long after all. You're welcome.

Do tell your friend(?) Brian I said get well soon. Smile


let's play a new game

let's play a new game

from: cyngs
to: knave
date: June 18

Acey Deucey

What is your bet, sir? Does it fall in or out? And don't forget to throw your chips in. But what shall we play for? Clothes? Cash? Cars? Out of Compulsive Gambling Addictions?

here's an idea: how 'bout we play for questions; if the house wins, you need to answer any one question I ask (and I'll pretend you answered it honestly); if the house loses, you can ask me any one question

re: let's play a new game

from: knave
to: cyngs
date: June 19

In of course, in like Flynn.

Your terms are acceptable.

Let us begin.

we are a wild party

from: cyngs
to: knave
date: June 19

Here i had 3 cards that i don't feel like uploading right now because im lazy...but acey was the Friar's picture

Acey One Eyed Jack Deucey

Aw...look at that. I win again! Poor Jack...Lady Luck must be on my side.

Now to pick my one question....what shall it be.....

You should know better than to trust a deuce. Give me an inch...

1) Are you an animal, vegetable or mineral?

2) Are we in between the sheets together? I can never tell with you.

3) Which way does your staff swing, sir? (Acey/Deucy)

4) Can you be perverted from your current course of action (whatever it is)?

5) to join a good cause, the better cause?

6) Whose side are you on, anyways?

7) Should I try to bed the King of Diamonds in your stead? Would he be more fun? (I'm guessing at least more rich)

8 ) Jack Spade, may i call you Sam? Let me be Frank (unless that makes you uncomfortable).

9) Why did you want us to hack Babs? For what purpose?

10) it bigger than a bread basket?

11) Were you the one that was in Claire's flat when Thomas called?

12) A train leaves Boston traveling 120mph, at the same time a train leaves Chicago traveling at 100mphs. Which band is better, Boston or Chicago?

13) Why are you here? (answer directly sir, no metaphysical bullshit)

14) I mean what is your involvement? (I suspect a smart-ass answer to 13 so I rephrased the question)

15) "Know any more games, Harry?" (Oops! I mean Sam)

16) Is Babs broken?

17) Did we overlook something?

18 ) If so, what?

19) Did you talk to the weasel?

20) Fool.....

Of course, if you must only answer one....answer number 10.


re: we are a wild party

from: knave
to: cyngs
date: June 20

Dear Curveball,

I do not fancy that I live in the land of the blind (though people are dreadfully near-sighted at the best of times), nor am I inclined to wear the sunglasses if you know what I mean.

Are we playing 20 questions now? My goodness gracious me. I suppose this is where I'm so impressed with your roguish charms that I just fall all over myself in my hurry to answer anything you deign to bestow upon me. Maybe I should even swoon a little. Hm. Nope, it doesn't seem to work. Sad Well I'll give it my best shot anyway!!

1) Are you an animal, vegetable or mineral?
For sooth, it is my ambition always to be the most delectable in the vegetable patch; which to some would mark me as a rabbit. The real question here must be "do you look positively heart-melting in a blue coat?"

2) Are we in between the sheets together? I can never tell with you.
Isn't not knowing way more exiting?

3) Which way does your staff swing, sir? (Acey/Deucy)
Madam, what exactly do you mean by that?

4) Can you be perverted from your current course of action (whatever it is)?

5) to join a good cause, the better cause?
Is it not for clergymen and not fools to dictate what is good and what is not?

6) Whose side are you on, anyways?
Truly, is this Harlan County?

7) Should I try to bed the King of Diamonds in your stead? Would he be more fun? (I'm guessing at least more rich)
Rich, certainly! Though I can't see why else you would want to, but nary is it my place to stand in the way of any pursuits you may find yourself following.

8 ) Jack Spade, may i call you Sam? Let me be Frank (unless that makes you uncomfortable).
You can call me Susan if it makes you happy, though it might make me less inclined to take your case.

9) Why did you want us to hack Babs? For what purpose?
Why, for me of course.

10) it bigger than a bread basket?
... is it safe?

11) Were you the one that was in Claire's flat when Thomas called?
Me? Doing actual work? Good heavens. Absolutely not. That isn't my scene.

12) A train leaves Boston traveling 120mph, at the same time a train leaves Chicago traveling at 100mphs. Which band is better, Boston or Chicago?

13) Why are you here? (answer directly sir, no metaphysical bullshit)
Ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grown on trees.

14) I mean what is your involvement? (I suspect a smart-ass answer to 13 so I rephrased the question)
I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed!

15) "Know any more games, Harry?" (Oops! I mean Sam)
I know Go Fish and Old Maid. Smile

16) Is Babs broken?
Is it working as intended? Not hardly.

17) Did we overlook something?
I don't know! What can you see right now?

18 ) If so, what?
idk, have you been outside today and watched the stars?

19) Did you talk to the weasel?
I beg your pardon?

20) Fool.....
That's not a question at all! Think you could slip that by me didn't you well you were mistaken young lady. Mistaken.

Can Friends Get better than this?

Can Friends Get better than this?

From: Friar Tilton
To: Knave
Date: June 23

Best Friend FOREVER,

Have a look and let me know your thoughts!

-The Friar
Re: Can Friends Get better than this?

From: Knave of Spades
To: Friar Tilton
Date: June 23, nice hat, where can I get one?
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